Inspired by a love for bright colors, random gift-giving, and unconventional celebrations below are designs for wrapping papers for some of my favorite non-traditional holidays.

Global Climbing Day (August 19th)
Global Climbing Day is a worldwide celebration of the climbing community. It's a day to celebrate the opportunities that can be found in every obstacle. Celebrate by giving a loved one some chalk, a new pair of shoes, or a carabiner wrapped in this paper :)

No Dirty Dishes Day (May 18th)
Wrapping paper for when you want to give your friend/loved one a gift on No Dirty Dishes Day ^^

Ice Cream Day (third Sunday in July)
Wrapping paper designed for all of your ice cream themed gift needs! Bonus for using it to give a gift on the third Sunday in July!

Organize Your Home Day (January 14)
For all of your home organization giving needs! Bonus if you give a home organization gift on January 14th!

Compliment Day (January 24)
Wrapping paper for when you want to give your friend/loved one a gift on Compliment Day ^^

The above designs were created in Illustrator. Below are 3D models of the gift wrap in action, wrapped around digital boxes.
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Global Climbing Day (August 19th)
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No Dirty Dishes Day (May 18th)
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Ice Cream Day (third Sunday in July)
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Organize Your Home Day (January 14)
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Compliment Day (January 24)